
LibreOffice “Calc”: define the first row of each page

Published by TheJoe on

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes


This article was published more than a year ago, there may have been developments.
Please take this into account.

LibreOffice is a suite of open source office for excellence, created by the project OpenOffice when it was bought (along with other products SUN Microsystems) the Oracle. “Calc” is one of the programs included in the suite LibreOffice, it is a spreadsheet. Today's article tries to make life easier for those who have the need to always have certain cells as a page header.

The header row included in Calc, reached by following the menu “Format” – “Page” – “Header row“- “Edit“, is basic and is explained in the screenshot taken from the program, below.

The few customization options allow you to enter:

  • different formatting of text,
  • the name of the file,
  • the name of the sheet,
  • the number of printed page,
  • the number of total pages,
  • the data,
  • the’now.

This menu is not thought to show the specific cells as a header. I'm thinking very long lists, where it is necessary a reminder at the top each page (type “Name“, “Description“, “Qty“, “Category“, etc..).

To define a row (or more lines) it prints at the beginning of each page must navigate a menu “neighboring“. It is “Format” – “Print Area” – “Edit“.

I have already shown in the image defined as an interval “Rows to repeat“, these are the lines “the 1 a 3“.

Look here:  LibreOffice "Calc": coloring alternate rows

The result is immediately visible in print preview where I proceeded to obscure data.

Each page will have the same header, in this way, even with very long lists the user does not run the risk of being wrong column.


I keep this blog as a hobby by 2009. I am passionate about graphic, technology, software Open Source. Among my articles will be easy to find music, and some personal thoughts, but I prefer the direct line of the blog mainly to technology. For more information contact me.


paolo · 28 September 2016 at 2:05 PM

unfortunately continue to speak only printing , but the repetition of the “row headers” columns and’ also very useful for visualization of
sheet !!!! as you can set it ??

    Giovanni Mauri · 28 September 2016 at 4:11 PM

    Hello Paul and thanks for the comment.
    In fact it is very simple to set… if I understand correctly that you would like as you scroll down a very long the first line spreadsheet (or the first lines) containing the header remain unchanged.
    The extreme right in the spreadsheet, just above the up arrow on the scroll bar there is a small gray rectangle. Hovering over the mouse you will realize to be able to drag. Dragging it down you will see the first few lines of the active spreadsheet in the document head.

Maximum · 20 June 2013 at 3:54 PM

Thank you very much. Very clear and helpful!

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