
8 WordPress plugin that will leave you more’ do without

Published by TheJoe on

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


This article was published more than a year ago, there may have been developments.
Please take this into account.

In today's article we see some useful plugins for WordPress I have made my life easier in the composition of the blog. Obviously the list not describe, and omit some plugins as important as “Akismet” because they already exist by default to every WordPress installation (not because it is useful, but because its benefits are undeniable).

WP Super Cache

It is one of the plugins in my opinion the most useful ever created for WordPress. WP Super Cache speeds very visitor access pages, creates a file HTML PHP caching the page visited by reducing de facto the use of resources on the server. In this way we have a dual advantage: the user load the page faster and the server save energy.

Auto SyntaxHighlighter

This plugin makes it easy syntax highlighting code inserted in our items. Fully supports : AppleScript, ActionScript3, Bash/shell, C#, C , CSS, Delphi, Diff, Groovy, JavaScript, Java, Perl, PHP, Plain Text, Python, Ruby, Sass, Scala, SQL, Visual Basic and XML.

An example with PHP:

$GLOBALS['add-from-server'] = new add_from_server();

And one with CSS:

div.intouch label {
    clear: left;
    display: inline;

div.intouch br {
    display: none;

div.intouch div.inputfield input, div.intouch div.inputfield textarea {
    clear: left;
    display: block;

Among its advantages:

  • does not write data in the database,
  • does not need of settings (creates a button changes in the panel of WordPress),
  • even if disabled the code appears,
  • respects W3C standards,


This plugin allows the creating a contact form automatically. After installing the plugin you must create a static page (I have called “Contacts“), and add the string<!--intouch-->” within the source HTML.

Among the settings you can specify the various fields, make them Required, Set up key “Send” (with an inscription of your choice), set a success message, one of failure and clearly the address to which the email will be forwarded.

jQuery lazy load plugin

This plugin as well as being “beautiful” Also to be seen is functional for the load server. Harnessing the power of jQuery, stops the loading of images on the page until surfers do not scroll the page down. When you arrive on the space where there should be a picture, “magically” it appears with a pleasant as almost imperceptible fade-in effect.

Look here:  Tutorial: Give the effect "water drops"

To give you an example, try to go on the homepage, each post has an image out. You will see the images appear scrolling the page downward.

jQuery Lightbox + add Lightbox

Another plugin that uses jQuery library, this time for view images. If we want to embed images in our articles of medium-sized (That's the thinking 700px width of eg) this plugin would suit our. The plugin is very “manual”, requires that to the HTML code of each image is added rel="lightbox"“. To automate the process you can use the plugin “add Lightbox” which adds “rel="lightbox"” automatically to each image.

An example:

Paola in un Lightbox

Bad Behavior

Bad Behavior is a PHP solution for blocking link spam and the robots that distribute.

Bad Behavior automatically acts on the file “.htaccesspreventing also often only access and reading the site to robots. This behavior reduces bandwidth usage and tiene puliti i log access allowing us to focus more on useful statistics.

Ultimate Google Analytics

Ultimate Google Analytics (as the name implies) is a plugin for wordpress that automatically integrates in the footer of the page the tracking code for Google for analysis and web statistics.

One of the interesting features of this plugin is the ability to exclude Adminstrator analyzes. When you login the plugin simply does not add the code javascript on page, in this way is not in the statistics compariremo. Obviously you can disable this option, but I think that one of the most useful functions.


This plugin simply displays a flash player files “mp3” reflected in Article, allowing listening without downloading. Obviously it is also possible to download, but if a user only interested in previewing this plugin makes life easier. Below is an example.

Smoke on the Water



I keep this blog as a hobby by 2009. I am passionate about graphic, technology, software Open Source. Among my articles will be easy to find music, and some personal thoughts, but I prefer the direct line of the blog mainly to technology. For more information contact me.


Brad Bush · 26 April 2016 at 8:22 AM

E ‘istruttivo, grazie per la condivisione.
Ma vorrei raccomandare 2 Plugin si potrebbe trovare loro un utile è Avartan Slider: e un altro plugin è Blog Designer:
Entrambi sono disponibili nella versione gratuita.

TheJoe · 14 October 2011 at 5:10 PM

I had actually said something different. The plugin does not show the images that are not “framed”, downloads them in the background and shows when “inquadri”.

Honestly, the fact that the user actually benefit from it I have some doubts… But people like to.

A presto!

Framework · 14 October 2011 at 5:02 PM

Ciao Joe,
I reactivated because you feeling a bit’ I noticed that most of the difference was subtle.

You're right, it all depends on the end…

However, I read on the blog of Francesco Gaven which in theory (as you wrote you) should also benefit the user in loading times, god… 🙂

Thanks for the compliments and parts for the blog and for the choice of cattivik (a myth).

A rest


TheJoe · 14 October 2011 at 1:27 PM

Ciao Marco,
Meanwhile, thanks for the comment.
In reality the jQuery lazy load actually slows down the page load of a few tenths of a second (test performed on this blog). Clearly if we are talking about my or your blog (I visited, and for which I congratulate you) we do not need a dedicated script, among other things, I see that you've enabled too.

The situation is different when it comes to a site with several accesses, and several I mean a few thousand a day, or a very heavy site (different content, flash objects, etc..). In that case I would think twice before activating a script that slow down so heavily on the load (because even 2 only tenths of a second in those conditions is dilaterebbero), or maybe I would think of “farmelo of me” one lazy load plugin.

I think, however, that the eye wants its part, I say that the effect is pleasant, and many of the visitors and of my personal contacts have asked me “how do you make the image appear slowly”… eheh.

Basically, however,, all depends on what you want to do.

Framework · 14 October 2011 at 10:51 AM


I tried to install the plugin jQuery lazy load (using only code I am not able to get the effect) but, apart from the indisputable good effect, testing immediately after the loading speed of the site I noticed that was lowered by more than 10 points.

Uninstalled and everything is back faster.



TheJoe · 21 March 2011 at 7:36 PM

other plugins to do the same things? what you use?

Gennysama · 21 March 2011 at 3:48 PM

Very useful…Anche se preferisco altri plugin 😀

TheJoe · 14 August 2010 at 1:56 AM

I must say that is one of my favorite plugins for WordPress. It is very useful because you are a dedicated button in the formatting bar (FCKeditor, or whatever you are using WordPress) that opens a popup where you choose the type of code from a drop-down box and enter the same code.

Personally I find it faster than “Easy Google Syntax Highlighter”, I do not have to change the html and not have to check every time the code is supported. A nice benefit.

Marco Caldirola · 13 August 2010 at 3:23 PM

I will try “Auto SyntaxHighlighter” … sometimes use “Easy Google Syntax Highlighter” but it is as you say “enough manual” in the sense that you have to add a PRE tag and indicate the type of code.

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