Google Buzz, What is?
This article was published more than a year ago, there may have been developments.
Please take this into account.

From yesterday to all users Gmail service is active "Google Buzz”, yet another social network. We can say that Google, was a little 'back side'social"Than Facebook or Twitter, has created its own platform for sharing content.
It must be said that the differences that Google implements in its "social"We differentiate itself from the rest of the competition. As reported in the blog of the new Gmail. Let's look at some characteristic:
- It is integrated into Gmail, and from here you can link accounts Twitter, Youtube, Picasa web album and Google Reader
- The user can choose what to share and with whom, whether to grant a share as public or only with a small group
- Chatting with other users is in real time, and takes place in real-time photo sharing, videos and much more
- If used on a cell phone you can update the geographical position con GoogleMaps
Like all services, especially the new ones, Google Buzz also can not be loved. You can turn it off Gmail by clicking at the bottom of "Buzz off”.
Here is the promotional video of the service made by Google Buzz.
1 Comment
voucher · 11 February 2010 at 5:06 PM
Off! 🙂